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Comment: modernize for 0.52.4


The filter() operator takes a function as its only argument and returns an array. The new array contains any members of the original array for which the function evaluates to true. The function given as the argument must take one argument and return a Boolean value. The length of the new array will be less than or equal to the length of the original array. For example:


Code Block
c = [3, 4, 5];
b = c.head() // cb = 3


The index() operator returns the index in the array of the first item that matches its argument


The reduce() operator applies a function, given as its first argument, to members of an array in left associative order. The function should take two arguments.  An optional second argument to the operator is the default value for the reduction.

If the default value is not supplied, reduce() returns the result of applying function to the first 2 items in the array, then applying the function to that result and the 3rd item, etc. If the array contains no items, 0 is returned. If the array has only one item, it the item is returned. 

If the default value is supplied, reduce() returns the result of applying function to the default value and the first item in the array, then applying the function to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If array contains no items, reduce() returns the default value and the function is not called.





The function (supplied to the reduce() operator as its first argument) should take at least two arguments. The first argument accumulates the result, starting with the second operator argument, if any, as described above. The function's second argument is each element, in turn, of the array upon which reduce is operating. There is also a third argument, which is the current index in the array, and a fourth argument, which is the entire array.

Code Block
c = [4, 5, 6];
c.reduce(function(a,b){a + b})     // returns 15
c.reduce(function(a,b){a + b}, 10) // returns 25
c.reduce(function(a,b){a - b})     // returns -7; note left associativity

d = [];
d.reduce(function(a,b){a + b})     // returns 0
d.reduce(function(a,b){a + b}, 15) // returns 15 

m = [76];
m.reduce(function(a,b){a + b})     // returns 76
m.reduce(function(a,b){a + b}, 15) // returns 91


  • Array indices are zero-based.
  • The default for the beginning index is zero ' 0',. slice(j) is the same as slice(0,j)
  • A reference to an OOB index (less than 0 or greater than the size of the array - 1) will return undef and raise an error eventan empty array []

For example:

Code Block
a = ["corn","tomato","tomato","tomato","sprouts","lettuce","sprouts"];

c = a.slice(1,4);                   // c = ["tomato","tomato","tomato","sprouts"]
d = a.slice(2);                		// d = ["corn","tomato","tomato"]
g = a.slice(14)                		// dg = undef[]
h = a.slice(0,0);                	// dh = ["corn"]


The splice() operator creates a new array that is the result of deleting, inserting, or replacing elements in the target array. The operators takes the following arguments:
  • the zero-based index of where to start the splice
  • the number of elements to remove at the location given by the first argument
  • an optional value to be spliced in the array at the location given by the first argument 
The following example shows elements being removed from an array:

Code Block
a = ["corn","tomato","tomato","tomato","sprouts","lettuce","sprouts"];

c = a.splice(1,4); // c = ["corn","lettuce","sprouts"]

If the operational optional third argument is included it will be inserted. If the argument is an array, the elements of the array will all be inserted. 

Code Block
a = ["corn","tomato","sprouts","lettuce","sprouts"];
b = ["corn","tomato"];

c = a.splice(2, 0, b); // c = ["corn","tomato","corn","tomato","sprouts","lettuce","sprouts"]

If the third argument is not an array, its value will be inserted. 

Code Block
a = ["corn","tomato","sprouts","lettuce","sprouts"];

c = a.splice(2, 0, "liver"); // c = ["corn","tomato","liver","sprouts","lettuce","sprouts"]

In the preceding examples, we've been removing zero elements (i.e. simply inserting). If the second argument is non-zero, then that many elements will be removed before the elements of the third argument are inserted at the location where the elements were removed:

Code Block
a = ["corn","tomato","sprouts","lettuce","sprouts"];

c = a.splice(2, 2, "liver"); // c = ["corn","tomato","liver","sprouts"]

If the second argument is larger than the remaining elements in the array, the array will be truncated at the location given by the first parameter:

Code Block
a = ["corn","tomato","tomato","tomato","sprouts","lettuce","sprouts"];

c = a.splice(1,10); // c = ["corn"]


The sort() operator takes an optional argument and returns an array that is the original array sorted according to the following criteria:

  • If the argument is empty or the string "default", the array will be sorted in ascending order using a string comparisonthe cmp operator.
  • If the argument is the string "reverse", the array will be sorted in descending order using a string comparisonthe cmp operator.
  • If the argument is the string "numeric", the array will be sorted in ascending order using a number comparisonthe <=> operator.
  • If the argument is the string "ciremun" ("numeric" backwards), the array will be sorted in descending order using a number comparisonthe <=> operator.
  • If the argument is a function, the function will be used to perform pair-wise comparisons of the members of the array for purposes of doing the sort. The function must take two arguments and return -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. The <=> and cmp comparison operators are useful with sort()or greater than the second.

Note that because the default behavior is to do a string comparison, number sorts can give unexpected results, as shown in the first example.


Code Block
a = [5, 3, 4, 1, 12]
c = a.sort();                         // c = [1, 12, 3, 4, 5]
d = a.sort("reverse");                // d = [5, 4, 3, 12, 1]
g = a.sort("numeric");                // d = [1, 3, 4, 5, 12]
h = a.sort("ciremun");                // d = [12, 5, 4, 3, 1]
e = a.sort(function(a, b) { a < b  => -1 |
                            a == b =>  0 |
                          }); // e = [1, 3, 4, 5, 12]
f = a.sort(function(a, b) {a <=> b}; // f == [1, 3, 4,   }); // e = [1, 5, 12]


The tail() operator returns a new array that is the original array with the first element removed, or an empty array if the original array is empty. For example:

Code Block
a = [3, 4, 5, 12];
fc = a.sort(function(a, b) {a <=> b}tail(); // fc == [1, 3, 4, 5, 12]


The tail() operator returns a new array that is the original array with the first element removed, or an empty array if the original array is empty. For example:

Code Block
a = [3, 4, 5];
c = a.tail(); // c = [4, 5]4, 5]


This note is for the operators which expect a function as their argument: all, any, collect, filter, map, none, and notall. The function provided is called once for each element of the target array, in order, and actually has three arguments passed to it: first, the array element, second, the current index in the array, and third, the entire target array. The last two are rarely if ever needed, but are available for those rare cases. Ordinarily, only the first argument, the array element, is needed.

For example, suppose you needed to know if any element in an array was less than its index in the array.

Code Block
a = [ 15, 7, 3, 1 ]
b = a.any(function(e,i){e < i}) // b == true because the element at index 3 (1) is less than 3