(Classic) sidetab()

Engine Compatibility

sidetab is not supported by the Node engine.


Creates a configurable slide-out tab based on the options you pass to it..

sidetab() with pathToTabImage = "https://kynetx-images.s3.amazonaws.com/seeThroughTab.png" 
                   and tabColor = "red" 
                   and message = "Hi!" 
                   and backgroundColor = "#DC143C" 
                   and divCSS = {"color":"white"};

The following ruleset shows sidetab() being used

ruleset a1299x186 {
	meta {
		name "Sidetab Example"
		author "nathan cerny"
		logging off
	dispatch {
		// domain "exampley.com"
	rule sideTab {
		select when pageview ".*" setting ()
		pre {
		sidetab() with message = "<h1 style='text-align:center;'>Side Tab</h1>";


"backgroundColor": "white",
    "cssPlanted": false,
    "tabColor": "black",
    "callback": function(){},
    "divCSS": {},
    "tabClass": "handle",
    "pathToTabImage": "http://k-misc.s3.amazonaws.com...",
    "tabLocation": "right",
    "speed": "300",
    "action": "click",
    "fixedPosition": true,
    "imageHeight": "122px",
    "imageWidth": "40px",
    "topPos": "100px",
    "width": "250px",
    "padding": "10px",
    "contentClass": "KOBJ_tab_content",
    "mode": "slideout",
    "url": "",
    "height": "250px",
    "linkContent": "Content",
        "notifyClass": "notification",
        "color": "red",
        "leftPadding": "10px",
        "topPadding": "2px",
        "rightPadding": "10px",
        "bottomPadding": "2px",
        "divCSS": {
            "-moz-border-radius": "20px",
            "-webkit-border-radius": "20px",
            "-khtml-border-radius": "20px",
            "border-radius": "20px",
            "text-align": "center",
            "z-index": 10000,
            "min-width": "15px",
            "padding": "2px"
    "linkCSS": {

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