Several operators can be applied to objects of any type.


The as() operators coerces objects of one type to be an object of another. The target type is given as a string argument to the operator. The following types are available in KRL:

For example, the following constructs a string and then turns it into a regular expression that can be used by the replace() operator:

("/q=" + q + "/i").as("regexp")

Not every type can be coerced to another. The following coercions are valid:


The isnull() operator returns true of the object is null (undefined) and false otherwise.


The log() operator writes an optional message, given as a string argument, and the value of the object to the debug log. 

x = some_arr.filter(function(x){x == 5}).log("Value after filter: ").head();



The typeof()operator returns the type of the object to which it is applied. For example:

nums = [1, 2, 3]
nums_type = nums.typeof() // nums_type = "array"