This quickstart will help you get your KRL programming environment set up and working. 


Getting started can be a big leap because there are so many things that are different about programming in KRL for SquareTag and other CloudOS-based systems:

The result of these properties is a programming model that more closely resembles programming cloud-based persistent objects than anything else. We call these persistent computational objects "picos". 

KRL is executed by the Kinetic Rules Engine (KRE), a open-source, cloud-based rule processing system. All of the properties listed above are present in any KRE system. 

To be executed, a ruleset must be


To complete the following Quickstart you will need

  1. An editor. There are Test-Driven Development and KRLKRL Programming ToolsKRL plugins for many popular editors
  2. A Github account
  3. An account on a KRE instance. The easiest way to do this is to use the Kynetx hosted instance of KRE

Writing KRL

Do the following:

  1. Create a git repo for your KRL rulesets and put it on Github. You can create a different repo for each ruleset if you like or create one repo and put multiple rulesets in it. 
  2. Create  file in your ruleset repo called hello.krl and put the following in it:

    ruleset hello_world {
      meta {
        name "Hello World"
        description <<
    A first ruleset for the Quickstart
        author "Phil Windley"
        logging on
        sharing on
        provides hello
      global {
        hello = function(obj) {
          msg = "Hello " + obj
      rule hello_world is active {
        select when echo hello
        send_directive("say") with
          something = "Hello World";
  3. Use one of the methods in Tips for Developers to validate (parse) your ruleset.

    Installing and using the KRL command line parser can be a real time saver if you're going to be writing several rulesets. Checking in and trying to execute rulesets that don't parse is one of the primary frustrations of beginning KRL developers.

  4. Check your ruleset into Github. 



Registering Your Ruleset

Installing the Ruleset

Testing the Ruleset

Debugging the Ruleset