The meta library provides information about the running ruleset. The following are available (notice that these are values, not functions):


Wrangler and Meta

Some of the data in the meta block is also available through Wrangler:

wrangler:rulesetMeta(meta:rid){"author"} - the author from the meta section of the current ruleset

wrangler:rulesetMeta(meta:rid){"description"} - the description from the meta section of the current ruleset

wrangler:rulesetMeta(meta:rid){"name"} - the name from the meta section of the current ruleset

Wrangler and Meta

Some of the data in the meta block is also available through Wrangler:

wrangler:rulesetMeta(meta:rid){"author"} - the author from the meta section of the current ruleset

wrangler:rulesetMeta(meta:rid){"description"} - the description from the meta section of the current ruleset

wrangler:rulesetMeta(meta:rid){"name"} - the name from the meta section of the current ruleset

Not Supported
The following are not yet available:

Note, in the case of meta:moduleRID(), meta:moduleVersion(), and meta:inModule(), care has been taken to preserve static behavior. So, for example, if you do the following, you should get the result you expect based on static function semantics:

ruleset my_module {
  global {
    myRid = function() { meta:rid }
ruleset use_my_module {
  meta {
    use module my_module
  global {
    x = my_module:myRid();
    // x = my_module, not use_my_module