This library has not yet been ported to the New Pico Engine. However, the pico engine currently recognizes these:

  • meta:eci - the event channel identifier on which the current event was raised
  • meta:rulesetURI - the URL from which the currently running ruleset was registered/installed
  • meta:host – the public DNS name of the machine running the engine, including port number

Notice that these are values, and not functions

The meta library provides information about the running ruleset. The following functions are available:

Note, in the case of meta:moduleRID(), meta:moduleVersion(), and meta:inModule(), care has been taken to preserve static behavior. So, for example, if you do the following, you should get the result you expect based on static function semantics:

ruleset my_module {
  global {
    myRid = function() { meta:moduleRID() }
ruleset use_my_module {
  meta {
    use module my_module
  global {
    x = my_module:myRid();
    // x = my_module, not use_my_module