
All parameters (if any) are passed into any given engine method as a map. The parameters given in the tables are the keys in the map that will represent the given values.


Creates a new pico and returns it's id. No parameters are given.


response = engine:newPico().klog("Response Structure: ")
  Response Structure:
		"id" : <new_pico_id>


removePico does not accept a map, but a single id value as its parameter.


response = engine:removePico(id).klog("engine:removePico Response Structure: ")//id is just a string variable
 Response Structure:
 //engine:removePico(id) does not return anything


Creates a new channel for a pico (identified to the engine by the pico_id parameter).


response = engine:newChannel({ "name": "channel_name", "type": "channel_type", "pico_id": id }).klog("Response Structure: ")
 Response Structure:
		"id" : id,
		"name": "channel_name",
		"type": "channel_type"


Removes a channel whose eci matches the provided eci. This comparison and deletion takes place on the pico with the provided id.


response = engine:removeChannel({"pico_id": id, "eci": eci_of_channel}).klog("Response Structure: ")
 Response Structure:
 //engine:removeChannel({"pico_id": id, "eci": eci_of_channel}) does not return anything



The "base" key will have a value that contains the domain name where your krl file is located. ex:  ""

The "url" key will complete the path appended to the base. ex: "/username/repository1/file.txt"

If the "pico_id" and "rid" keys are provided like in engine:installRuleset, the following directive error is given: {"error" : "registerRuleset expects, pico_id and rid or url+base"}.

Attempting to register a ruleset that is already in existence will pull the ruleset from the given base/url and act as an update action, overwriting the current file with the one from the remote repository.

response = engine:registerRuleset({"url": url, "base": base}).klog("Response Structure: ")
 Response Structure:
 Simply returns the rulesetID as a string. The rulesetID is the ruleset's name. 


unregisterRuleset does not accept a map, but a single ruleset ID (rid) value as its parameter.

Unregisters the ruleset given by the rid. It will throw an error if the ruleset is installed on any picos, or depended on by another ruleset.


If your filename is myRuleset.krl, then the ruleset id will be "myRuleset".

response = engine:unregisterRuleset("myRuleset").klog("Response Structure: ")
 Response Structure:
 //engine:unregisterRuleset("myRuleset") does not return anything

installRuleset( )

Installs ruleset(s) into a pico.  

<pico_id><string> YES
<rid>string | array



The "base" key will have a value that contains the domain name where your krl file is located. ex:  ""

The "url" key will complete the path appended to the base. ex: "/repository1/file.txt"

There are three options provided for a successful install with these parameters:
1) You may provide the "rid" (excluding the "base" and "url" keys) if you know that the ruleset is already registered with the engine.
2) Provide the base and url in their respective parts as described above.
3) Just provide the full url (in the "url" key) where your ruleset is located, leaving the "base" undefined or as an empty string.

Do not provide the "rid" key if you want to retrieve the krl file from a remote repository (just provide the "base" and "url" keys). If you provide the "rid" key at all, this function will assume the ruleset is already registered with the engine and will simply throw an error if it is not found, ignoring the "base" and "url" as if they were not submitted. If the "base" and "url" are provided, then the krl file will be registered to the engine (if not already) and then installed on the pico with the given "pico_id".

response = engine:installRuleset( { "pico_id": ent:id, "rid": "wrangler" } );
response = engine:installRuleset( { "pico_id": ent:id, "rid": ["wrangler","Pds"] } );
response = engine:installRuleset( { "pico_id": ent:id, "base": <base>, "url": <url> } );
 Response Structure:
 Simply returns the rulesetID as a string. The rulesetID is the ruleset's name. 

engine:uninstallRuleset( ) - Not Implemented yet.