KRL Tips, Tricks, and Examples
KRL Tips, Tricks, and Examples
These pages are dedicated to understanding more about working with KRL, including some concept explanations and example rulesets.
- Accepting a subscription offer by installing a ruleset
- Accessing a Function Shared by Another Pico
- Automatic Replies to Subscription Requests
- Converting Time Formats
- Creating an Echo Server
- Creating a send_warning() Action
- Decoding WWW-Form Encoded Content or Query Parameters
- Example of semantic translation
- Flatten an Array of Arrays
- Generate an image with KRL
- Initializing entity variables
- Score Tracker Ruleset
- Sending Secure Messages
- Setting and reading cookies
- Sorting an Array of Maps
- Using a child pico to perform an asynchronous task
- Using Persistent Variables
- What's in a name?
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