(Classic) float()

Engine Compatibility

float is not supported by the Node engine.

float(<position>, <vertical>, <horizontal>, <html>)

Float a window above the current contents of the browser (z=.9999). This is not a pop-up.

float("absolute", "top: 10px", "right: 10px", "/cgi-bin/weather.cgi?city=" + city + "&tc=" + tc)

Float a window above the current contents of the browser (z=.9999). This is not a pop-up.

  • <position> is either “absolute” or “relative”
  • <verical> is a colon separated pair (written as a string) where the first part is either top or bottom and the second part is a measurement in CSS format. For example “right: 10px” would instruct window to have an initial position 10 pixels from the top of the viewable area.
  • <horizontal> is a colon separated pair (written as a string) where the first part is either left or right and the second part is a measurement in CSS format. For example “top: 10px” would instruct window to have an initial position 10 pixels from the right of the viewable area.
  • <url> is the place where the window content will be retrieved. Because of restrictions on cross site scripting (XSS) by browsers, if URL is not on the same site as the site hosting the KOBJ tags the content of the URL will be downloaded on the Kynetx engine and inserted.

The following options are available float:

  • draggable Boolean value stating whether the window is draggable or not.
  • effect Takes the value “appear”, “blind”, or “slide”.

The following ruleset shows float() being used

ruleset a1299x170 {
	meta {
		name "float example"
		description <<
		author "nathan cerny"
		logging off
	dispatch {
		// domain "exampley.com"
	global {
	rule newrule is active {
      select using ".*" setting ()
      float("absolute", "top: 10px", "right: 10px", "http://www.google.com/") with draggable = true;



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