Web Rule Exercises

Web Rule Exercises


Introduce actions and techniques for using KRL on the Web. 


  • Read Chapter 7 of The Live Web.
  • Create and register (using KDK) a new ruleset to use for the following exercises. 


  1. Write a rule called show_form that inserts text paragraph (make up the text) in the <div/> element with the ID of main on ktest.heroku.com
  2. Modify the show_form rule from (1) to place a simple Web form that has fields for a first name, a last name, and a submit button. Use the watch() action to watch it for activity. 
  3. Write a rule that selects on submit and takes the first and last name from the form in (3) and stores them in entity variables.
  4. Modify the ruleset so that if a first and last name have been stored, they are displayed in the page (in a paragraph under the form) and if they are not, the form is displayed. 
  5. Add a clear rule that clears the names if the query string clear=1 is added to the URL. 

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