(Classic) this2that

(Classic) this2that

The this2that library provides utility functions for converting from one object to another

General Functions


transform(<obj>,<sort options> |,<global options>)

<obj>hash/map or array 
<sort options>hash or array of hashes 
<global options>hash 

<obj> : array or hash of values to be sorted

<sort options> :

  • path : <hash path> to field that is providing the sort value required
  • reverse : <boolean> sort in descending order (default is to sort in ascending order)
  • compare : <string> force sorting to a specific datatype
    • datetime
    • numeric
    • string
  • format : <string> a strptime compatible string containing format rules for non-ISO8601 datetime strings
<global options> : parameters applied after the <obj> has been sorted
  • index : <integer> 0-based index of which element of the sorted array to return to the user
  • limit : <integer> number of elements of the sorted array to return
A note on datetime formats.  The sorting algorithm should recognize ISO8601 and common internet and email formats.  The format returned by Twitter is slightly different and requires a format string to allow the sort mechanism to parse correctly. The Twitter format string is demonstrated in examples below.
Providing a hash as the obj, will return an array of the hash keys sorted by the provided parameters (sort by reference)


myHash = {
	"0001" : {
		"type": "donut",
		"name": "Cake",

	"0002" : 	{
		"type": "donut",
		"name": "Raised",
    "0003":	{
		"type": "donut",
		"name": "Old Fashioned",
	"0004" : {
		"type": "muffin",
		"name": "Poppy seed",


sort_opt = {
	'path' : ['name']
sorted_array = this2that:transform(myHash,sort_opt);  // ["0001", "0003", "0004", "0002"]
Given an array of similar objects such as returned by the twitter user_timeline function, an abbreviated object is shown below


myArray = [ {
  'retweet_count' : 360,
  'created_at' : 'Fri Aug 16 21:19:37 +0000 2013',
  'in_reply_to_status_id_str' : undef,
  'contributors' : undef,
  'text' : "RT \@SharylAttkisson: Still waiting for White House to call back to release the White House photos from Benghazi night. I've been asking sin\x{2026}",
  'user' : {
    'id_str' : '13524182',
    'id' : 13524182
  'id' : '368482201631227904',
  'lang' : 'en',
  'geo' : undef,
  'id_str' : '368482201631227904',
  'favorite_count' : 0,


Providing an array as the sorted object will return the entire object entries in sorted order (sort by value)

Simple sort on a field

Sort by number of retweets
sort_opt = {
	'path' : ['retweet_count']
sorted_array = this2that:transform(myArray,sort_opt);


Descending sort

Sort by number of retweets in descending order
sort_opt = {
	'path' : ['retweet_count'],
	'reverse' : 1
sorted_array = this2that:transform(myArray,sort_opt);


Force sort on <field> as a string

Sort by number of retweets in alphabetical order
sort_opt = {
	'path' : ['retweet_count'],
	'compare' : 'string'
sorted_array = this2that:transform(myArray,sort_opt);


Sort on a date field

Sort by number of retweets by date created
sort_opt = {
	'path' : ['created_at'],
	'compare' : 'datetime',
	'format' : '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y'
sorted_array = this2that:transform(myArray,sort_opt);


Sort on multiple fields, retweet_count (descending) then favorite_count (ascending)

Sort by number of retweets and favorites
sort_opt = [
	'path' : ['retweet_count'],
	'reverse' : 1
	'path' : ['favorite_count']

sorted_array = this2that:transform(myArray,sort_opt);


Skip the first 5 entries

Sort by number of retweets
sort_opt = {
	'path' : ['retweet_count']
global_opt = {
	'index' : 4
sorted_array = this2that:transform(myArray,sort_opt,global_opt);


Skip 5, only return 7 entries

Sort by number of retweets
sort_opt = {
	'path' : ['retweet_count']
global_opt = {
	'index' : 4,
	'limit' : 7
sorted_array = this2that:transform(myArray,sort_opt,global_opt);


Sort the values of a hash

Sort by number of retweets in descending order
sort_opt = {
	'path' : ['retweet_count'],
	'reverse' : 1
sorted_hash_keys = this2that:transform(myHash{['path', 'to', 'keys']},sort_opt);


xml2json(<string>|,<map>) - convert a string of XML to JSON

  jstr = this2that:xml2json("<foo type=\"bar\">XML element</foo>");
result: {  "@encoding":"UTF-8",
   "$t":"XML element",

Through optional parameters, some control of the resultant JSON is possible


        <seed name="Strawberries" type="fruit">
                <harvest_time>4 Hours</harvest_time>
                <cost type="coins">10</cost>

With attribute_prefix you can change the attribute prefix from the default '$'

jstr = this2that:xml2json(xmlstring,{
	'attribute_prefix' : '_:_'
result: {
        "$t":"4 Hours"

A similar option is available to change the content key

jstr = this2that:xml2json(xmlstring,{
	'content_key' : '-t-'

result: {

  } ....

Other parameters include

  • empty_elements
  • private_attributes
  • private_elements

Each of these requires an array the fields that you desire to either suppress the value or the entire element




Returns the ascii value of the passed number

myChar = this2that:chr(101);			// 'e'
myUnicode = this2that:chr(0x010f);		// '?'

For values beyond 0x0100 in the Unicode chart, you can pass a hex value for a Unicode character and get that character back



KRL doesn't distinguish chars from string, so if the string provided has more than one character, only the first character will be processed

myNum = this2that:ord("e");				// 101
myUnicode = this2that:ord("?");			// 0x263A

For heaven's sake, if you are cutting and pasting characters between sources and KRL, make sure that your encoding is set to 'UTF-8'.  Many browsers will default to Western (ISO-8859-1) which translates approximately to garbage in the Unicode table.


pack([<integer>, <integer2> .. , <integerN>] );

Returns the ascii value of the passed numbers concatenated into a string

myStr = this2that:pack([101, 102, 103]);			// 'efg'

pack is restricted to assembling strings



Returns an array of ordinal values

myArray = this2that:unpack("hij");			// [104, 105, 106]

pack is restricted to assembling strings





Specifying an end-of-line character will format the base64 string into 74 character blocks

b64 = this2that:string2base64("the rain in spain","\n")

Omitting the <eol> character will return an unformatted base64 string


txt = this2that:base642string("U3VwZXJEdXBlcjogYXNjaWk=")


The url-safe base64 conversions use "-" and "_" instead of "+" and "/"

url64 = this2that:url2base64("3+4/7 = 1");


urltxt = this2that:base642url("Mys0LzcgPSAx");

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