Number Operators

Number Operators


The following operators are valid operators for numbers. Note: In addition to these there are also functions in the math module.


The chr() operator returns a string containing the character represented by the ASCIIi value of the number it operates on.  For example:

a = 75.chr(); // a: 'K'

The inverse of chr() is ord()


The range operator returns an array containing x to n elements. The number it operates on is the start of the range and the first parameter is the end of the range. For example:

0.range(10) // Returns [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

If n is less than x, the sequence is decreasing and doesn't include n or n+1.


The sprintf() operator can be applied to either a number or a string. The operator takes a formatting string as its sole argument. Use \%d to escape a literal %d:

a = 10
b = a.sprintf("<\%d %d>") // b = "<%d 10>"

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