Extended Quoting

Extended Quoting

Some KRL statements and expressions use extended quotes. Extended quotes allow multiple line passages that contain the double quote symbol (") to be more easily entered.


Chevrons enclose the items to be quoted in double less-than and greater-than signs (<<...>>). For example:

somevar = <<
<p>This is <em>some</em> HTML.<br/>
<a href="http://www.google.com">Search Google</a>

Values inside chevrons are treated as strings (with the exception of beestings). The whitespace is preserved.


Like strings and regular expressions, a backslash allows free use of the terminator character (>) inside, and a literal backslash requires two backslashes:

var_1 = << \>\> >>;
var_2 = <<\\\>>>; // '\' followed by '>'

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