Extended Quoting
Extended Quoting
Some KRL statements and expressions use extended quotes. Extended quotes allow multiple line passages that contain the double quote symbol ("
) to be more easily entered.
Chevrons enclose the items to be quoted in double less-than and greater-than signs (<<...>>
). For example:
somevar = << <p>This is <em>some</em> HTML.<br/> <a href="http://www.google.com">Search Google</a> </p> >>;
Values inside chevrons are treated as strings (with the exception of beestings). The whitespace is preserved.
Like strings and regular expressions, a backslash allows free use of the terminator character (>
) inside, and a literal backslash requires two backslashes:
var_1 = << \>\> >>; var_2 = <<\\\>>>; // '\' followed by '>'
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