dido library
  • Ready for review
  • dido library

    Typically, you should not call functions on this module directly. Instead, you should use the dido ruleset to utilize DIDComm v2 features in your rulesets.

    The dido library implements DID management and DIDComm v2 messaging in the Pico Engine.


    DID Management

    Functions to manage DIDs.

    generateDID( isInvite: bool )

    Generates a new peer method 2 DID and returns the associated DIDDoc object that contains information about the DID, including its authentication keys, key agreements, and service endpoints.

    deleteDID( did: string )

    Deletes the DIDDoc object associated with the specified DID from the didDocs entity.

    Example DID: did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19

    updateDID( did: string, newDoc: DIDDoc )

    Updates the DIDDoc object associated with the specified DID in the didDocs entity. The function takes two parameters: the DID to be updated and the new DIDDoc object.

    Example DID: did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19

    Example DIDDoc:

    { "id": "did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19", "keyAgreement": [ "did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19#6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT" ], "authentication": [ "did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19#6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM" ], "verificationMethod": [ { "id": "did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19#6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT", "type": "JsonWebKey2020", "controller": "did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19", "publicKeyJwk": { "crv": "X25519", "x": "zNn9niXYeCo9HL-R44eUCJp7nATHFvJC9stb-iZlJ1g", "kty": "OKP" } }, { "id": "did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19#6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM", "type": "JsonWebKey2020", "controller": "did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19", "publicKeyJwk": { "crv": "Ed25519", "x": "BgV4faX5gxAR58a_R6rYF79uyMUZVen2TNg4KzH5v-w", "kty": "OKP" } } ], "service": [ { "id": "did:peer:2.Ez6LSqTq8LtCukq6qra3N3TWm8qMGpoCsjP2nfLJ7KVrKntiT.Vz6MkermL6DEK8k5xQU5Q3vzLwNmCc3xRu6FRgjdZRYe39pPM.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwL3NreS9ldmVudC9jbGhxcnRvNHcwMDI1dXVxazhhM3djdnA4L25vbmUvZGlkby9kaWRjb21tdjJfbWVzc2FnZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiIsImRpZGNvbW0vYWlwMjtlbnY9cmZjNTg3Il19#didcommmessaging-0", "type": "DIDCommMessaging", "serviceEndpoint": { "uri": "http://localhost:3000/sky/event/clhqrto4w0025uuqk8a3wcvp8/none/dido/didcommv2_message", "accept": [ "didcomm/v2", "didcomm/aip2;env=rfc587" ] } } ] }

    rotateDID( old_did: string )

    Creates a new DID to be rotated into use in place of old_did according to the DIDComm v2 spec. Pending rotations in the pendingRotations entity are removed when a message is received using the new DID.

    rotateInviteDID( my_did: string, their_did: string )

    Manages DID rotation and storage for accepting invitations via the Trust Ping Protocol and from_prior DID Rotation.


    Deletes all entries from the pendingRotations entity. Pending rotations are created by rotating a DID.

    mapDid( their_did: string, my_did: string )

    Adds an entry to the didMap entity in the following form:

    { their_did: my_did }

    updateDidMap( old_did: string, new_did: string )

    Replaces all occurrences of old_did with new_did in the didMap entity.

    updateDidMap is not exported from the module and is only a helper function for other functions. This means that you cannot call this function outside of the dido typescript module.


    Deletes all entries from the didMap entity.


    Deletes all entries from the didDocs entity.

    JWKFromMultibase( multibase: string, crv: string )

    Returns a JSON Web Key (JWK) from the given multibase encoded string and curve.

    JWKFromMultibase is not exported from the module and is only a helper function for other functions. This means that you cannot call this function outside of the dido typescript module.

    storeDidDoc( input: any )

    If input is of type DIDDoc it is stored in the didDocs entity variable, else the input is attempted to be parsed as a peer method 2 DID into a DIDDoc and is stored the same way. If parsing fails, an error is logged. On successful storage, the stored DIDDoc is returned.

    resolvePeer2Did( did: string )

    Attempts to resolve a peer method 2 DID into a DIDDoc object and returns that object.



    Functions to manage DIDComm operations.

    unpack( message: any )

    Attempts to unpack (decrypt) an encrypted JSON Web Message (JWM) using the stored secrets. Returns a tuple of the unpacked message and metadata ([Message, UnpackMetadata]). Refer to didcomm-node package for details.

    pack( message: IMessage, from: string, to: string )

    Attempts to pack (encrypt) a message from the sender’s DID to the receiver's DID and returns the encrypted message.

    addRoute( type: string, domain: string, rule: string )

    Add a route to the routes entity that is used for routing incoming DIDComm v2 messages. type is the type of the DIDComm v2 message. domain is the domain of the event that is raised when a message of type type is received. rule is the rule name of the event that is raised when a message of type type is received.

    route( message: string )

    Unpacks the incoming message and raises the corresponding event according to the type of the message as defined in the routes entity variable.

    send( did: string, message: any )

    Packs the given message and sends it to the endpoint of the given did. This function utilizes the autosend feature of the http library. To subscribe to these responses, create a rule that selects on dido dido_send_response.

    prepareQuery( did: string, query: any )

    This function is used by the wrangler:picoQuery function to send a query using a did.

    sendQuery( did: string, message: any )

    Very similar to dido:send, except that it waits for and returns the http response.

    generateMessage( messageOptions )

    Generates and returns a DIDComm v2 message with the given messageOptions. messageOptions is formatted as follows:

    { type: string, body: any, from?: string, to?: Array<string>, thid?: string, pthid?: string, expires_time?: number, attachments?: Array<Attachment> }

    createInviteUrl( base64: string )

    Creates and returns the invitation URL for the given base64 invite.



    Functions for managing channels associated with DIDs.

    addLabelsToChannel( eci: string, labels: any )

    Concatenates lables to the labels of the channel with the given eci.

    deleteDIDChannel( did: string )

    Deletes any channel associated with the given did.

    normalizeDID( did: string )

    Returns a channel label friendly version of the given did. (Replaces : and . with -)




    This class implements the DIDResolver interface, provided by the didcomm-node package, used for resolving DIDs for packing and unpacking messages.


    This class implements the SecretsResolver interface, provided by the didcomm-node package, used for retrieving secrets for packing and unpacking messages.

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