Event and Query URLs with Postman
What is Postman?
Postman is used by developers to easily send API request and it is a great tool used by many to test their API request responses. Postman makes it easy to automate test and create an organized workspace for you to test your API. Through their desktop client you can send any type of http request which you may find useful when wanting to test events and queries on a pico.
For more information: https://www.postman.com/
Download: https://www.postman.com/downloads/
Raising an Event on Postman
Step 1:
Create a Request Tab
Step 2:
Change Request Method to POST
Step 3:
Choose the pico for which you want to raise a rule
For this example we will use the following rule found in io.picolabs.wrangler:
Rule: createChild
Domain: wrangler
Type: child_creation
Step 4:
Find your ECI
Go to the pico’s “Channels“ tab and here you can find the different ECI’s (Event Channel Identifier) that the pico currently has. Choose an ECI with an appropriate policy id. In our example we are using the ECI with policy id of “allow-all-policy“ and type “wrangler“.
Step 5:
Build your request URL
Following the events and queries lesson, you will want to build a URL for raising an event:
In this example we will be using the following for the different components:
protocol: http
host: localhost (running the pico engine locally)
port: 8080
eci: JmMTv2vMt1hKTRtyNcfUYB
eid: child_test
domain: wrangler
type: child_creation
So our URL should look like this:
You can now place the request URL in the designated input field in Postman
Step 6:
Create request body
To create the request body, you are going to want to do the following:
click on the “Body“ tab
select the “raw“ bullet
choose JSON as the datatype
In the text block field you can now create your JSON body request like so
Step 7:
Send request and confirm result
You can send the request by hitting the “Send“ button
After hitting “Send“ you can now see the response below where you wrote the request body
You can see that the response contains directives that let me know that the child pico was created.
Querying a Pico on Postman
Step 1:
Create a Request Tab
Step 2:
Change Request Method to GET
Step 3:
Choose which pico, ruleset and function you want to query
Looking at your pico engine UI, decide which pico, which ruleset, and which function you want to query. I chose my ‘bus’ pico and the ‘uta_time’ ruleset. The function from this ruleset I chose is the ‘dayOfWeek’ function. Be sure the ruleset shares the function you want to test, otherwise you will get a 500 status when you query it along with the message “Not Shared”.
Step 4:
Find your ECI
Inside the pico that you want to query, go to the channels tab. Select an ECI with an appropriate policy.
Step 5:
Build your URI
Following the events and queries lesson, you will want to build a query url following this pattern:
In this example we will be using the following for the different components:
protocol: http
host: localhost
port: 8080
eci: KZv4wR1NzmdPxCCS9oxw7i
rid: uta_time
function: dayOfWeek
Our url should look like this:
Step 6:
Add parameters
My dayOfWeek function takes an optional argument called “decorator” which I can include by adding it to the end of the request in a query string. More information on query strings can be found here.
Step 7:
Confirm result
After clicking send, I can confirm that the response is correct. On this day it was Thursday, and the decorator from the query string was passed in as a parameter.
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