Wrangler Full API
To use Wrangler as a module, add use module io.picolabs.wrangler alias wrangler
in your meta block.
This API documents all the information a developer needs to know to publicly interact with wrangler.
This page is an amalgamation of the API subpages, putting them all in one place.
- For all functions, enter the parameters in the order listed.
- Italicized parameters are optional.
- Received Events are events of the "wrangler" domain that Wrangler will respond to
- Raised Events are events that can be selected on within any ruleset in the pico when they occur
- Sent Events are events that the pico will send elsewhere as a result of triggering a Wrangler event.
- This documentation is up to date with engine version 0.49.0
Not Finalized
Wrangler is still undergoing incremental improvements and while major parts of the API may not change, some behavior of minor parts may change. Any changes will be reflected here.
A user friendly way to make an HTTP request between picos. It provides cleanup and returns the error if the returned HTTP status was not 200. It is mainly used to programmatically call functions inside of other picos from inside a rule. However, deadlocks are possible due to its synchronous nature (e.g. do not let two picos query each other simultaneously). See Accessing a Function Shared by Another Pico for more information. Success: the result of the function queried for. Failure: a map of error information which contains:Functions
Parameter Datatype Description eci String The ECI to send the query to mod String The ruleset to send the query to func String The name of the function to query params Map The parameters to be passed to the function on the target pico. Given as an object with parameter name mapped to argument value. _host String The host of the pico engine being queried.
Note this must include protocol (http:// or https://) being used and port number if not 80.
For example "http://localhost:8080", which also is the default._path String The sub path of the url which does not include mod or func.
For example "/sky/cloud/", which also is the default._root_url String The entire URL except eci, mod , func.
For example, dependent on _host and _path is
"http://localhost:8080/sky/cloud/", which also is the default. Defaults to meta:host (the pico engine itself).Returns
"error":"general error message",
"skyQueryError":"The value of the 'error key', if it exists, of the function results"
"skyQueryErrorMsg":"The value of the 'error_str', if it exists, of the function results"
"skyQueryReturnValue":"The function call results"
pre {
eci = event:attr("eci")
wellknown = wrangler:skyQuery( eci , "io.picolabs.subscription", "wellKnown_Rx")
if wellknown{"error"}.isnull() then
always {
ent:savedWellknown := wellknown;
Query the the function wellKnown_Rx() in the ruleset "io.picolabs.subscription" through the pico ECI given in the event attribute "eci".
pre {
eci = eci_to_other_pico;
args = {"arg1": val1, "arg2": val2};
answer = wrangler:skyQuery(eci,"my.ruleset.id","myFunction",args);
if answer{"error"}.isnull() then noop(); // Check that it did not return an error
fired {
// process using answer
Returns an array of the children of the pico. Has optional parameter "name" which returns just the attributes for the children with the specific name if they exist, otherwise it returns attributes on every child if not provided. Has also optional parameter "allowRogue" which is by default true. Will not return child picos that are currently being deleted. An array containing a map for each returned pico. Each map contains: parent_eci: The ECI from the pico to the respective child. Should be used for parent-child interaction. name: The child pico's name id: The id of the child pico eci: The main Wrangler ECI for the child pico Returns a map giving basic meta information about the pico. This information includes the pico's ID, Wrangler ECI, and name. A map giving basic information about a pico with the following contents: id: The ID of the pico eci: The main Wrangler ECI of the pico name: The name of the pico Returns the name of the pico as recorded by Wrangler A string containing the name of the pico Returns the ID of the pico as recorded by Wrangler A string containing the ID of the pico Returns a string containing an ECI to the parent of the pico. If no parent exists then it will return the empty string. A string with the ECI of the parent pico. If no parent exists, then the string is the empty string. Returns a random English word that is unique among the children of the pico it is called on, if the pico has <= 200 children. Otherwise it will return a UUID. A string that is a common English word Returns the same data as wrangler:myself except it includes an ECI to the parent pico. A map containing meta information about the pico, including its Wrangler ECI, its Wrangler name, the pico ID, and an ECI for the parent pico. Returns true if this pico is in the process of being deleted. This function is used internally in Wrangler to lock tasks that cannot be interrupted by the pico being deleted, such as creating a new child pico. See Managing Pico Lifecycle for information on how to respond to notification of imminent pico deletion and allowing a ruleset to cleanup. True if the pico is in the process of being deleted False if the pico is not in the process of being deleted Returns the maximum amount of time given to a pico for its rulesets to cleanup before it is deleted. It is given in the format of the second parameter of the time:add() function. A map containing the set time allowed for ruleset cleanup before a pico is deleted. Given the pico ID of a child of Wrangler return the associated child map. Fast as it is a map access. Either A child pico map for the relevant child of this pico. NULL if the child does not exist Creates a new child for this pico with optional arguments for the child's name, and rulesets to install on it upon creation. It is important to note any additional attributes passed to it will also be accessible to the newly created child and its rulesets as event attributes, as long as their keys do not conflict with the keys used for the internal event chain. See Managing Pico Lifecycle for a more in-depth explanation. String Array String The RIDs of the rulesets to be installed on the new child pico. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "io.picolabs.ruleset_one;io.picolabs.ruleset_two"). String Array String Corresponding Raised Events: Deletes the direct child of this pico that has either the name or ID given as an event attribute. It will also delete that child's entire subtree of children. If both name and ID are given, they both will be evaluated. Deleting a child this way allows the child time for its rulesets to do any cleanup that they may have asked time for. It also cleans up parent-child channels, etc. String The ID of the direct child to be deleted. Corresponding Raised Events: Through engine calls forcibly removes children picos without necessary direct interaction with the children and without any opportunity for cleanup. Allows for deletion of misbehaving picos, picos that do not comply with Wrangler's deletion process, and other such issues. String The ID of the direct child to be deleted. Corresponding Raised Events: This event will both find children that Wrangler does not have recorded internally and delete children that Wrangler has recorded internally but do not exist anymore. Use this to detect any children added by rulesets other than Wrangler. Wrangler will ask the children first if they have Wrangler installed, if they do not then Wrangler will grab their admin channel through engine calls and add them to its children with a "rogue" attribute. Corresponding Raised Events: This is sent from the child to the parent once the child is done initializing. You can react to new children being created using this event. This event also guarantees that any rulesets passed to the create_child event have been installed. Note that any attributes passed to the wrangler:child_creation will also be present. String Array This event is raised within the pico when a child of this pico has been deleted through use of wrangler:child_deletion. id wrangler:child_creation_failure Raised when a pico is not able to be created. The most common cause of this is attempting to create a child pico with a duplicate name to another child pico. The same as the ones passed to wrangler:child_creation This event is raised within the pico when a child of this pico has been deleted through a force deletion using wrangler:force_child_deletion. id This event is raised as a result of a wrangler:child_sync event if any children that Wrangler did not have recorded are found. Their info is given in the attributes. nonexistent_children_removed wrangler:nonexistent_children_removed This event is raised as a result of a wrangler:child_sync event if any children that Wrangler had recorded did not actually exist. Functions
Parameter Datatype Description name String Name of the pico(s) to search for allowRogue Boolean Determines whether the children call will return picos that do not have Wrangler installed on them. If this is set to false children() will only return picos that Wrangler is guaranteed to be installed on. It is false by default. Returns
children = wrangler:children()
"parent_eci": "CyrmdG4PkiVYRUo2K69k2E",
"name": "Section CS462-1 Pico",
"id": "cjh6pbzun005zvde06bwy2pci",
"eci": "JfcEBxEK5WDKA69Bvach4Y"
"parent_eci": "Tg5ULPBYByJjsEoKpfsbQ2",
"name": "Section CS462-2 Pico",
"id": "cjh6pc28r0067vde04qd23t6o",
"eci": "56S414r4Uq4kGx6Xi1qmSs"
"rogue": true
childrenWithWrangler = children(null, false)
"parent_eci": "CyrmdG4PkiVYRUo2K69k2E",
"name": "Section CS462-1 Pico",
"id": "cjh6pbzun005zvde06bwy2pci",
"eci": "JfcEBxEK5WDKA69Bvach4Y"
childrenNamedRefused = children("refused")
myself_result = wrangler:myself()
"id": "cjhtji2op009hpkrq35bcpodh",
"eci": "4bUS9W4HY5S1YfsAM9Ygw5",
"name": "This Pico"
name = wrangler:name()
id = wrangler:id()
channel_to_parent = wrangler:parent_eci()
random_name_result = wrangler:randomPicoName()
thisPico = wrangler:getPicoMap()
picoUnsafe = wrangler:isMarkedForDeath()
timeToCleanup = wrangler:timeForCleanup()
{ "minutes": 5 }
Parameter Datatype Description id String Child pico ID to access. Returns
childInfo = wrangler:getChild("cjxf0yqiz000o0jbz4kbrgczt")
childExists = wrangler:getChild("badID")
Received Events
wrangler:child_creation or wrangler:new_child_request
Attribute Datatype Description name String The name for the new child pico. Will generate a random name if not provided. rids rids_from_url The URLs rulesets to be installed on the new child pico. Each URL can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "io.picolabs.ruleset_one;io.picolabs.ruleset_two"). The URL should return a file that can be parsed as KRL. delete_child
wrangler:child_deletion or wrangler:delete_children
Attribute Datatype Description name String The name of the children to be deleted. id delete_all Boolean When true all children will attempt to be deleted. force_child_deletion
wrangler:force_child_deletion or wrangler:force_children_deletion
Attribute Datatype Description name String The name of the children to be deleted. id delete_all Boolean When true all children will attempt to be deleted. child_sync
Raised Events
Attribute Datatype Description parent_eci String The ECI that the child pico has to communicate with this pico (the parent). name String The name of the new child pico id String The pico ID of the new child pico eci String An ECI for the parent to send events to the child pico. This is the same ECI in the map returned from the children() function. rids Array This attribute reflects rulesets successfully installed by giving the RIDs to wrangler:child_creation. This will not reflect rulesets installed by giving rulesets to install by URL to wrangler:child_creation. rids_to_install Any RIDs that were requested to be installed upon initialization of the child. This includes RIDs given in the rids parameter of the create_child event. This may include RIDs that were not valid RIDs and were not able to be installed. child_deleted
Attribute Datatype Description name String The name of the pico that was just deleted String The pico ID of the child that was just deleted child_creation_failure
Attribute Datatype Description String The pico ID of the child that was just deleted ghost_children_added
Attribute Datatype Description found_children Map A map of the children that have been found. Attributes
Attribute Datatype Description removed_children Map A map of the children that have been removed.
Returns an array of all of the rulesets installed on the pico An array of strings, with each string being an RID (ruleset identifier) Returns an array of all the registered rulesets on the pico engine that the pico is running on. An array of strings, with each string being an RID (ruleset identifier) Returns an array that contains full ruleset descriptions for the requested ruleset(s) Array String A an array where each entry is a requested ruleset's description. See the example for an idea of what each description (represented as a map) looks like Installs the given rulesets in the pico that receives this event. rids OR rid Array String Array String Corresponding Raised Events: Uninstalls the given rulesets in the pico that receives this event. The directives returned will always be the same, meaning if the ruleset did not exist in the first place, the directive would still map "rids" to the RIDs given as the event attribute. Use the Wrangler Full API#installedRulesets function to programmatically check if a ruleset is installed. Array String This event is used to signal to Wrangler to register a ruleset domain to wait for before fully deleting a pico, to allow the ruleset(s) time to cleanup. String The ruleset domain to reigster to wait to cleanup. This event is used to signal to Wrangler that a ruleset domain previously registered for cleanup is finished. String The ruleset domain that is done cleaning up. This event is used to change the time allotted for rulesets to cleanup before it times out and the pico deletes itself anyway. By default it is set to 5 minutes. String Has the same format as the second parameter of the time:add() function. (e.g. {"minutes":5} or {"seconds":5}) Is raised within the pico when new ruleset(s) have just been installed. This can be especially useful as an entry point for code execution on any ruleset. By selecting on this event and checking if your ruleset is one of the installed ones, your ruleset can begin execution upon installation. This event is raised when there was an error installing a ruleset into a pico. This may (but not only) include giving a RID that does not exist on the engine to install. This event is raised when a pico is now getting ready to delete. Rulesets that have registered for a cleanup period should do any necessary cleanup on this event and then raise wrangler:cleanup_finished with their domain to signal their completion. Will have passed through attributes given to wrangler:child_deletion.Functions
installed_rulesets = wrangler:installedRulesets()
["io.picolabs.pico", ...]
registered_rulesets = wrangler:registeredRulesets()
["io.picolabs.pico", "io.picolabs.logging"]
Parameter Datatype Description rids The RIDs of the rulesets to be described. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "io.picolabs.ruleset_one;io.picolabs.ruleset_two"). Returns
wrangler_info = wrangler:rulesetsInfo("io.picolabs.wrangler")
"rid": "io.picolabs.wrangler",
"src": "omitted for brevity, full source would show up here",
"hash": "7d68b3232f8d820631ab73871530648b94ab610f598cab1986d7cd666232a0a0",
"url": "The URL that the ruleset might be installed from, if downloaded from a remote server",
"timestamp_stored": "2019-01-12T02:17:04.044Z",
"timestamp_enable": "2019-01-12T02:17:04.045Z",
"meta": {
"name": "Wrangler Core",
"description": "\r\n Wrangler Core Module,\r\n use example, use module v1_wrangler alias wrangler .\r\n This Ruleset/Module provides a developer interface to the PICO (persistent computer object).\r\n When a PICO is created or authenticated this ruleset will be installed to provide essential\r\n services.\r\n ",
"author": "BYU Pico Lab"
Received Events
Attribute Datatype Description The RIDs of the rulesets to be installed on this pico. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "io.picolabs.ruleset_one;io.picolabs.ruleset_two"). urls OR url The URLs of the rulesets to be installed on this pico. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "https://github.com/Picolab/pico-engine/raw/master/test-rulesets/hello-world.krl;https://github.com/Picolab/pico-engine/raw/master/test-rulesets/http.krl"). Directives Returned
send_directive("rulesets installed", { "rids": /* An array of rids that were installed*/ });
Attribute Datatype Description rids OR rid The RIDs of the rulesets to be uninstalled on this pico. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "io.picolabs.ruleset_one;io.picolabs.ruleset_two"). Directives Returned
send_directive("rulesets uninstalled", { "rids": /* An array of rids that were uninstalled*/ });
Attribute Datatype Description domain cleanup_finished
Attribute Datatype Description domain set_timeout_before_pico_deleted
Attribute Datatype Description new_timeout Raised Events
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description rids Array An array of rids that were installed rule on_installation{
select when wrangler ruleset_added where rids >< meta:rid.klog("meta rid") // if this ruleset has just been installed
pre {
ent:ownerPolicy := owner_policy;
ent:owners := {"root": {"eci": new_channel{"id"}}};
raise game event "start_game"
attributes event:attrs;
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description rids Array An array of rids that failed to install rulesets_need_to_cleanup
This is a "one-stop" function for getting desired channel info. Allows grouping of channels by their attributes, or getting specific channels by their ECI/name/etc. List a set of channels depending on what parameters are past. If all parameters are passed as null, it will return all channels for that pico. If the id parameter is passed then the function will always return a single channel based upon the passed value. If the collection parameter is passed, the function will return a map with channels grouped in arrays keyed to the channel attribute passed as the parameter. That is, whatever is passed to collection will group the pico channels according to the value they have as that attribute. If the filtered parameter is passed, the collection parameter must have been passed. The filtered parameter will return an array of channels where the value passed to filtered matches the value of the channel attribute passed to collection. Returns Either A single channel map containing the information for the value passed to id parameter. A map with values that are arrays of channel maps keyed to the channel attribute passed to the collection parameter An array of channel maps whose value for the attribute passed to the collection parameter is the same as the value passed to filtered. NULL if no channels found for any operation. String VALID INPUTS: "id", "pico_id", "name", "type", "policy_id" The channel attribute that you want the value of to be mapped to arrays of channels whose value for that attribute matches A "channel map" looks like this Returns the ECI of the channel whose ECI or name is given to the function. Is identical to only passing one parameter to the channel function. It can be used to check if a channel with that ECI exists. String Returns Either A string containing the ECI of the channel prompted for NULL if no channel is found for the given parameter Returns the name of the channel with the given name or ECI. String Returns Either A string containing the name of the channel prompted for NULL if no channel is found for the given parameter Takes a pico ID, a channel name, a channel type, and optional parameter policy ID to create a new channel for that pico ID with those attributes. The type of new channel This is an arbitrary string typically used to give a domain to channels. The policy ID to apply to the channel Currently defaults to an "allow-all-policy" such that any event can be received on this channel. Returns A map with the following contents id: The new ECI for the created channel Takes a name or ECI of a channel and removes that channel. If a name is given it removes the channel from the pico it is run within. The engine will error if the channel does not exist or you attempt to delete the pico's admin channel. The channel that was removed in a channel map form: Creates a new policy based on a given map argument and returns the created policy. See this pico engine pull for a more in-depth explanation. Example map: The map passed to the action but with an additional "id" key mapped to the policy ID of the newly created policy. Creates a new channel through an event. It first checks that the name passed to it does not exist as a current channel on the pico. If it does not, then it creates the channel. The channel is created with the type and policy given in the event attributes. If no name is passed then an error event is raised. String String Will return empty directives if the name passed already exists as a channel or no name is passed. Corresponding Raised Events: Deletes the channel given as either an ECI or channel name. The engine errors and nothing happens if the channel does not exist. String Will return empty directives if no channel was found to be deleted. Corresponding Raised Events: Raised when a new channel has been created on this pico by using the wrangler:channel_creation_requested event. Channel Map describing the created channel's attributes. A channel map has the structure: An example of a rule selecting on a new channel creation. Raised when a channel has been deleted from this pico using the wrangler:channel_deletion_requested event. Channel Map describing the created channel's attributes. A channel map has the structure: An example of a rule selecting on a channel deletion.Functions
Parameter Datatype Description id Can either be the name of a single channel or the ECI of a channel. collection String filtered String The collection parameter must also be passed! This is the channel attribute value that you want to select for response = wrangler:channel(null,null,null); // all channels
response = wrangler:channel("flipper",null,null); // single channel with "flipper" name
response = wrangler:channel(null,"type",null); // collection of channels by type
response = wrangler:channel(null,"type","OAUTH"); // collection of channels with "OAUTH" as type
"id": "4PkMF8CYq5dsh7ksn6fDKh",
"pico_id": "cjqr0of8e003p88rq7hric28i",
"name": "admin",
"type": "secret",
"policy_id": "allow-all-policy",
"sovrin": {
"did": "4PkMF8CYq6dsh7ksn6fDKh",
"verifyKey": "2rEaErex4S9CD8y6a1wZuHYxbH5DTpVw7SyBVhCU2gxa",
"encryptionPublicKey": "AmHEeV8dYHZQ69b4wqtdVDUj97KJU4dfuHVoFcZzuvmg"
Parameter Datatype Description value Can either be the name of a channel or the ECI of a channel. channelECI = wrangler:alwaysEci("wovyn_channel")
Parameter Datatype Description eci Can either be the ECI of a channel or the name of a channel channelName = wrangler:nameFromEci("4PkMF8CYq5dsh7ksn6fDKh")
Parameter Datatype Description pico_id String ID of the pico to add the channel to. Will default to the currently running pico. name String The name for the new channel type String policy_id String
pico_id: The pico ID of the pico the channel has been created on
name: The name of the new channel
type: The type of the channel created
policy_id: The policy that describes the channel that has been created//Returns:
"id" : <new_eci>,
"pico_id": <pico_id>,
"name": "channel_name",
"type": "channel_type",
"policy_id": "1234"
Parameter Datatype Description value String ID of the pico to add the channel to. Will default to the currently running pico. Returns
"id": "4PkMF8CYq5dsh7ksn6fDKh",
"pico_id": "cjqr0of8e003p88rq7hric28i",
"name": "admin",
"type": "secret",
"policy_id": "allow-all-policy",
"sovrin": {
"did": "4PkMF8CYq6dsh7ksn6fDKh",
"verifyKey": "2rEaErex4S9CD8y6a1wZuHYxbH5DTpVw7SyBVhCU2gxa",
"encryptionPublicKey": "AmHEeV8dYHZQ69b4wqtdVDUj97KJU4dfuHVoFcZzuvmg"
Parameter Datatype Description policy Map
name: "only allow foo/bar events",
event: {
allow: [{domain: "foo", type: "bar"}],
deny: [],
query: {allow: [], deny: []}
id: "1234",
name: "only allow foo/bar events",
event: {
allow: [{domain: "foo", type: "bar"}],
deny: [],
query: {allow: [], deny: []}
Received Events
Attribute Datatype Description name The name of the channel you want to create. Must be a unique name from any other channel on the pico. type String The type of channel you want to create. This is an arbitrary string typically used to give a domain to channels. It will default to _wrangler if not given. policy_id The policy ID of the policy you want this channel to follow. Currently defaults to the allow-all-policy. Directives Returned
send_directive("channel_Created", channel);
// Channel is a channel map of the channel with its attributes keyed to their values:
"directives": [
"options": {
"id": "8nHCdus2sqVmF34SshhtsF",
"pico_id": "cjqszhxzp015fb0rq1istxqhl",
"name": "test",
"type": "test",
"policy_id": "allow-all-policy",
"sovrin": {
"did": "8nHCdus2sqVmF34SshhtsF",
"verifyKey": "5Exq5iXBUQ8XSctTx1156g4kQCSbK62Su2NXHSX8HFkw",
"encryptionPublicKey": "AQwwUCGh9Ke9vKRaGhUj6XkZxfvVS8JdTYyzuaiHiqAF"
"name": "channel_Created",
"meta": {
"rid": "io.picolabs.wrangler",
"rule_name": "createChannel",
"txn_id": "cjrb9ttiu0023nkrquliin4mj",
"eid": "__testing"
Attribute Datatype Description eci The ECI of the channel you want to delete on this pico. name String The name of the channel you want to delete on this pico. Directives Returned
send_directive("channel_deleted", channel);
// Channel is a channel map of the channel with its attributes keyed to their values:
"directives": [
"options": {
"id": "8nHCdus2sqVmF34SshhtsF",
"pico_id": "cjqszhxzp015fb0rq1istxqhl",
"name": "test",
"type": "test",
"policy_id": "allow-all-policy",
"sovrin": {
"did": "8nHCdus2sqVmF34SshhtsF",
"verifyKey": "5Exq5iXBUQ8XSctTx1156g4kQCSbK62Su2NXHSX8HFkw",
"encryptionPublicKey": "AQwwUCGh9Ke9vKRaGhUj6XkZxfvVS8JdTYyzuaiHiqAF"
"name": "channel_deleted",
"meta": {
"rid": "io.picolabs.wrangler",
"rule_name": "deleteChannel",
"txn_id": "cjrba64ud0024nkrqm4wp8w4v",
"eid": "__testing"
Raised Events
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description channel Map {
"id": "4PkMF8CYq5dsh7ksn6fDKh",
"pico_id": "cjqr0of8e003p88rq7hric28i",
"name": "admin",
"type": "secret",
"policy_id": "allow-all-policy",
"sovrin": {
"did": "4PkMF8CYq6dsh7ksn6fDKh",
"verifyKey": "2rEaErex4S9CD8y6a1wZuHYxbH5DTpVw7SyBVhCU2gxa",
"encryptionPublicKey": "AmHEeV8dYHZQ69b4wqtdVDUj97KJU4dfuHVoFcZzuvmg"
rule on_new_channel{
select when wrangler channel_created where event:attr("channel"){["type"]} == "test" // If a channel of type test has been created
pre {
noop() // Do some operation
klog("my channel has been created!");
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description channel Map {
"id": "4PkMF8CYq5dsh7ksn6fDKh",
"pico_id": "cjqr0of8e003p88rq7hric28i",
"name": "admin",
"type": "secret",
"policy_id": "allow-all-policy",
"sovrin": {
"did": "4PkMF8CYq6dsh7ksn6fDKh",
"verifyKey": "2rEaErex4S9CD8y6a1wZuHYxbH5DTpVw7SyBVhCU2gxa",
"encryptionPublicKey": "AmHEeV8dYHZQ69b4wqtdVDUj97KJU4dfuHVoFcZzuvmg"
rule on_channel_deletion{
select when wrangler channel_deleted where event:attr("channel"){["type"]} == "test" // If a channel of type test has been deleted
pre {
channelName = event:attr("channel"){["name"]};
doCleanup() // Do some operation
klog("my channel has been deleted!");
ent:channels := ent:channels.delete([channelName]);
"io.picolabs.subscription" must be installed on your pico for these to work See Managing Subscriptions for an in-depth explanation on the subscription process. Returns all of the established subscriptions for this pico in an array NO ARGS: An array of subscription maps key and value passed: The array will be filtered according to if the value at the key subscription attribute matches the value parameter String Returns An array of established subscriptions. Possibly filtered. Returns the pending outbound subscription requests in an array NO ARGS: An array of pending outbound subscription maps key and value passed: The array will be filtered according to if the value at the key map attribute matches the value parameter String Returns An array of outbound subscriptions. Possibly filtered. Returns the pending inbound subscription requests in an array NO ARGS: An array of pending inbound subscription maps key and value passed: The array will be filtered according to if the value at the key map attribute matches the value parameter String Returns An array of inbound subscriptions. Possibly filtered. Returns the channel map of the WellKnown_Rx for this pico A map in the channel map structure, describing the channel for the WellKnown_Rx on this pico. Returns the current autoAccept configuration for subscriptions. This map represents a configuration that you can set for auto accepting subscription requests with the added attribute value. A map with the auto accept configuration of the pico's subscriptions ruleset. When a pico receives or raises this event, it initiates the subscription protocol. Through the protocol, a wrangler:inbound_pending_subscription_added event will be raised within the other pico. A wrangler:outbound_pending_subscription_added event will be raised in the pico which received the initial wrangler:subscription event. name Will return empty directives. Corresponding Raised Events: Should be raised by the developer as a response to wrangler:inbound_pending_subscription_added. The pico which received a wrangler:inbound_pending_subscription_added event should review the attributes and raise the wrangler:pending_subscription_approval event if the pico accepts the incoming subscription. See the example code for how this can be easily signaled using the "attributes" keyword. Must provide any one of the attributes. Will return empty directives. An example of a rule that raises wrangler:pending_subscription_approval to accept an inbound subscription request. Corresponding Raised Events: This event can be used to send an arbitrary event to one or many subscriptions. Given a subscription ID, it will send the event on that subscription. Given a Tx_role or Rx_role it will send an event to all subscriptions that have that Tx_role or Rx_role recorded. Must provide any one of the attributes. Will return empty directives. Raise this within the pico that initiated the subscription creation exchange to cancel an outbound subscription request. Must provide any one of the attributes. Will return empty directives. Corresponding Raised Events: Raise this within the pico that has received an inbound_pending_subscription_added event to cancel an an inbound subscription request. Must provide any one of the attributes. Will return empty directives. Corresponding Raised Events: Raise this within a pico to cancel its subscription to another pico. Provide any one of the attributes. If none of these attributes are given it will try to cancel the subscription associated with the channel the event was received on. Will return empty directives. Corresponding Raised Events: Fired within a pico whenever a new subscription has been added. The subscription ID of the added subscription The event attributes look like the following structure: An example of a rule selecting on a new subscription creation. Raised within the pico when a subscription has been removed. The subscription ID of the added subscription The event attributes look like the following structure: An example of a rule selecting on a subscription removal. This event is raised within the pico when a new inbound subscription request has been sent to the pico, and the developer needs to approve it. Typical use is to use the event attributes to determine whether the subscription is one you are expecting, and then raising wrangler:pending_subscription_approval if they are. The subscription ID of the added subscription The event attributes look like the following structure, depending on the arguments given to wrangler:subscription on the other pico: An example of a rule accepting new subscription requests by selecting on wrangler:inbound_pending_subscription_added: This is raised within the pico that has just initiated a subscription request using wrangler:subscription. This allows manipulation of the outgoing request, including cancelling it if necessary. These are currently identical to the attributes passed to wrangler:subscription. The event attributes look like the following structure, depending on the arguments given to wrangler:subscription: An example of a rule selecting on wrangler:oubound_pending_subscription_added to prepare for the subscription. Raised when an outbound subscription has been cancelled through the use of wrangler:outbound_cancellation or the inbound request rejected on the other pico using wrangler:inbound_rejection. The internals of the cancelled outbound request. See attached example for its values. An example of a rule selecting on wrangler:outbound_subscription_cancelled: The structure of the bus when the oubound subscription has been cancelled: Raised when an inbound subscription has been cancelled through the use of wrangler:inbound_rejection or the outbound request was rejected on the other pico using wrangler:outbound_cancellation. An example of a rule selecting on wrangler:inbound_subscription_cancelled: The structure of the bus when the inbound subscription has been cancelled:Functions
Parameter Datatype Description key The subscription attribute that you want to filter for value String The value of the subscription attribute you want to filter for establishedArray = subscription:established()
"Tx_host": "", // The host of the other pico
"Id": "cjrcuow1a001q04rqu6h7ihit", // The ID of the subscription
"Tx": "5V8ks8hmirW8MfE96aNaHn", // The transmitting channel to send events to on the other pico
"Rx": "5N8EnBfeCA3ajsniKDZdkQ", // The receiving channel to receive events on this pico
"Tx_role": "sensor", // The role of the pico on the other end of the subscription
"Rx_role": "manager", // This pico's role from its own perspective
"Tx_verify_key": "3SnLikfRD8Cm5JtHaWe26byvcn4f7bQAVVZM2zWEEgUm", // The key used for verifying signed messages sent through the subscription
"Tx_public_key": "FzkwstPeu7jQamcsY4HycW6f4RmNNPynqCveTiGbsVHy" // The public key used for encrypting messages to send to the other pico
"Id": "cjrcv4dwt003004rqdonu3ulx",
"Rx": "E8Ei7TFbUNs4VSqsYHBWhb",
"Tx": "T7wRhAvKNJocFezx2QCUpY",
"Tx_verify_key": "FEhBwJFRy9WGx3QQPaKWXSvxB9YRQDNk6QVmX1GW9e6y",
"Tx_public_key": "5UENb6pXGw5W9Vmz9uKmkzoMWifxWfeDLHsnFhMvkCYK"
Parameter Datatype Description key The outbound subscription attribute that you want to filter for value String The value of the outbound subscription attribute you want to filter for pendingOutboundSubs = subscription:outbound()
"Id": "cjrcv6tzl003g04rqlri0vqqw",
"wellKnown_Tx": "HLy15B5xmws3avFpbS6beZ",
"Rx": "AgZKbAHa47RYytKBAK31DF"
Parameter Datatype Description key The inbound subscription attribute that you want to filter for value String The value of the inbound subscription attribute you want to filter for pendingInboundSubs = subscription:inbound()
"Id": "cjrcv6tzl003g04rqlri0vqqw", // The ID of the subscription
"Tx": "AgZKbAHa47RYytKBAK31DF", // The channel to transmit events to on the other pico
"Rx": "GTh2ZdE6tpWqQQQ3jHL1Dv", // The channel to receive events on for this pico
"Tx_verify_key": "6H4w3JV3VktkV1hAkYXFbba1d1dYSTQfZ7PgdcBtrnGs", // signing key for sending signed messages
"Tx_public_key": "GaTt4ChY1Fre39szbRGLVE4waVGJ3qqo1NQWg1nutugN" // public key for encrypting messages
"Id": "cjrcvvq0e004104rq8obn20e0",
"Tx": "X9o6b6dhGevQGNZCyg3AEx",
"Rx": "Rj6ACgfzVhU6PNgbjHhNTz",
"Tx_verify_key": "HS9rJbPdQjsgY4q18eVxv7QPQkJcTdN14aiorDHeEEhu",
"Tx_public_key": "DxbYXzoj9ozkHUz2NtWm7aXgGUSuRR8BbQTZeT1aKAni"
wellKnownChannel = subscription:wellKnown_Rx()
"id": "Cv1x3ufMEemxoYwFZ41WKb",
"pico_id": "cjrb850we001cnkrq4in3pd37",
"name": "wellKnown_Rx",
"type": "Tx_Rx",
"policy_id": "cjrcuog6b001l04rqfxz9lnei",
"sovrin": {
"did": "Cv1x3ufMEdmxoYwFZ41WKb",
"verifyKey": "7VddbRHoDdxGBvqL6iYMi83T3QoKxxCLjNijMFawXbcV",
"encryptionPublicKey": "BX1eddj7carru3KEd4CrAwmxG6S7A16hbpDCSoUXaGdw"
subscriptionConfig = subscription:autoAcceptConfig()
"password": [
Received Events
Attribute Datatype Description wellKnown_Tx String The wellKnown_Rx channel from the other pico that you want to establish a subscription with. String The name of the Rx to be created on each pico. Defaults to a random English word if not given. channel_type String The channel type that you want both pico's Rx to be Rx_role String Describes this pico's role in the subscription Tx_role String Describes the other pico's role in the subscription Id String Optionally provide a custom Id for the subscription, defaults to a UUID. Be very careful when providing your own Id. Tx_host String The network address of the engine hosting the other pico to subscribe to. Defaults to the same engine. password String Not implemented Directives Returned
Attribute Datatype Description Rx String The receiving channel created for this subscription. This is already created and given as an attribute of wrangler:inbound_pending_subscription_added. Tx String The channel on the pico that sent the subscription request that was created to receive events from this pico. Id String The subscription Id of the subscription you want to accept. Also given in wrangler:inbound_pending_subscription_added. Directives Returned
rule auto_accept {
select when wrangler inbound_pending_subscription_added
pre {
attributes = event:attrs.klog("inbound subscription attributes: ")
always {
raise wrangler event "pending_subscription_approval"
attributes attributes);
Attribute Datatype Description domain String The domain of the event to send type String The type of the event you want to send attrs Map A map of the attributes you want to be associated with the sent event subID String The subscription ID of the subscription you want to send the event on Rx_role String The Rx_role of the subscriptions you want to send the event on Tx_role String The Tx_role of the subscription you want to send the event on Directives Returned
Attribute Datatype Description Rx String The receiving channel created for this subscription. This is already created and given as an attribute of wrangler:outbound_pending_subscription_added. Id String The subscription Id of the outbound subscription request you want to cancel. Directives Returned
Attribute Datatype Description Rx String The receiving channel created for this subscription. This is already created and given as an attribute of wrangler:inbound_pending_subscription_added. Id String The subscription Id of the inbound subscription request you want to cancel. Also given in wrangler:inbound_pending_subscription_added. Directives Returned
rule auto_deny {
select when wrangler inbound_pending_subscription_added
pre {
attributes = event:attrs.klog("inbound subscription attributes: ")
always {
raise wrangler event "inbound_rejection"
attributes event:attrs);
Attribute Datatype Description Rx String The receiving channel created for the subscription you want to cancel. Tx String The transmitting channel for the subscription you want to cancel. Id String The Id of the subscription you want to cancel. Directives Returned
"directives": []
Raised Events
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description Id String Tx String The transmitting channel for the added subscription Rx_role String The role this pico has in this subscription Tx_role String or NULL The role the other pico has in the subscription Tx_public_key String or NULL The key used for decryption of encrypted messages sent through the subscription Tx_verify_key String The key used for verifying signed messages to send through the subscription bus Map Holds the above information but contains the receiving channel under key "Rx" and if the other pico is on a different host, its host under key "Tx_host" {
"Id": "cjrl7rbbh005kksrqle152lji",
"Tx": "DWkbD6URr3JuQWtq9FjzQH",
"Tx_public_key": "DWbUgvRLhtrp6Zv4CbuMLCZnV9qShsB2bXfW4E5EbEYh",
"Tx_verify_key": "7pZSMfshJjPhjDbspNgko2KkmfET3pgW733UAZkbKxSX",
"_headers": { // These were appended from the HTTP communication between the two picos
"content-type": "application/json",
"host": "",
"content-length": "585",
"connection": "close"
"bus": {
"Tx_host": "http://localhost:8080",
"Id": "cjrl7rbbh005kksrqle152lji",
"Rx": "UGRZHTfz5P9AXFb4WXkJF8",
"Tx": "DWkbD6URr3JuQWtq9FjzQH",
"Tx_verify_key": "7pZSMfshJjPhjDbspNgko2KkmfET3pgW733UAZkbKxSX",
"Tx_public_key": "DWbUgvRLhtrp6Zv4CbuMLCZnV9qShsB2bXfW4E5EbEYh"
rule get_peer_ids {
select when wrangler subscription_added
foreach subscription:established() setting (subscription)
pre {
if (subscription{"Rx_role"}.klog("RX_ROLE: ") == "node") then
}, subscription{"Tx_host"}.defaultsTo(meta:host))
fired {
ent:subscription_result := event:attrs
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description Id String bus Map Contains more information on the removed subscription {
"Id": "cjrmo1pox002fvkrq36wbu7tk",
"_headers": { // These were appended from the HTTP communication between the two picos
"host": "localhost:8080",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.81 Safari/537.36",
"referer": "http://localhost:8080/",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9"
"bus": {
"Rx_role": "10",
"Tx_role": "2",
"Tx_host": "",
"Id": "cjrmo1pox002fvkrq36wbu7tk",
"Tx": "BcAgD4DVKfmhsxKPhi55dz",
"Rx": "QWEuQaqCP7pdeLR4riPfEs",
"Tx_verify_key": "6nHdu1Ygf8GZaS2DnFHqjjv5psVvJsPnQfeBV8A6Tqxk",
"Tx_public_key": "CmLjRfsPrxARqQCUWshDxLosQudvfDBV4iSReHU8qQyr"
rule remove_node_entry_after_sub_removal {
select when wrangler subscription_removed
pre {
sub_id = event:attr("Id")
if (subscription{"Rx_role"}.klog("RX_ROLE: ") == "node") then
fired {
ent:node_list := ent:node_list.delete([sub_id]);
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description Id String Rx String The receiving channel that this pico will receive subscription events on Rx_role String The role that this pico will take in the subscription Tx String The channel to transmit events to on the other pico Tx_host String The network address of the pico engine hosting the other pico in the subscription Tx_public_key String Tx_role String The role of the other pico in the subscription relationship Tx_verify_key String channel_name String The name of the channel created for the subscription channel_type String The type of the channel created for the subscription name String Also the name of the channel created for the subscription public_key String verify_key String wellKnown_Tx String The wellKnown of this pico {
"Id": "cjrmog0gd0030vkrqu0eeqax5",
"Rx": "AQM7aFvb2Yp33pjypNcBhM",
"Rx_role": "10",
"Tx": "3naK2ZUH6a4vaWzLvU5cfn",
"Tx_host": "",
"Tx_public_key": "6G1fmv3KQd7hXpokesKFKrHE8dJJYpiew4eEAZwWbEKa",
"Tx_role": "2",
"Tx_verify_key": "2X4gcL8FGA4qrCniyBmYnfdKN5fitDu843mJtFFR5kBi",
"_headers": { // These were appended from the HTTP communication between the two picos
"content-type": "application/json",
"host": "localhost:8080",
"content-length": "981",
"connection": "close"
"channel_name": "cool",
"channel_type": "cool sub channel",
"name": "cool",
"password": "",
"public_key": "6G1fmv3KQd7hXpokesKFKrHE8dJJYpiew4eEAZwWbEKa",
"verify_key": "2X4gcL8FGA4qrCniyBmYnfdKN5fitDu843mJtFFR5kBi",
"wellKnown_Tx": "5qMBoPpNh2fBnfG7JNk5yD"
rule auto_accept {
select when wrangler inbound_pending_subscription_added
pre {
always {
raise wrangler event "pending_subscription_approval"
attributes event:attrs
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description Rx_role String The role that this pico will take in the subscription Tx_host String The network address of the pico engine hosting the other pico in the subscription Tx_role String The role of the other pico in the subscription relationship channel_type String The type of the channel created for the subscription name String The name of the channel created for the subscription wellKnown_Tx String The wellKnown of the pico the request is being sent to {
"Rx_role": "2",
"Tx_host": "http://localhost:8080",
"Tx_role": "10",
"_headers": { // These were appended from the HTTP communication between the two picos
"host": "localhost:8080",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.81 Safari/537.36",
"referer": "http://localhost:8080/",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
"if-none-match": "W/\"11-cFrA0CClfKTQMohnyK0tNW5C4dU\""
"channel_type": "cool sub channel",
"name": "cool",
"password": "",
"wellKnown_Tx": "5qMBoPpNh2fBnfG7JNk5yD"
rule auto_accept {
select when wrangler outbound_pending_subscription_added
pre {
other_pico_host = event:attr{"Tx_host"}
if other_pico_host then
fired {
ent:attempted_hosts := ent:attempted_hosts.append(other_pico_host);
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description Id String The Id that had been created for the possible subscription Rx/Tx String Use the bus attribute to get information. This attribute will change depending on how the subscription was cancelled. It will give a channel that was originally created for the subscription from either pico. bus Map rule sub_request_cancelled_or_rejected {
select when wrangler outbound_subscription_cancelled
always {
ent:sub := event:attrs
"bus": {
"Id": "cjs51fu2a006kksrq7av62ttd", // the ID of the cancelled subscription request
"wellKnown_Tx": "5qMBoPpNh2fBnfG7JNk5yD", // The well known of the other pico
"Rx": "AiPhhS6Tkz7QqmqbRZujEM" // The receiving channel that no longer exists that was created for this pico for the subscription
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description Id String The Id that had been created for the possible subscription Rx/Tx String Use the bus attribute to get information. This attribute will change depending on how the subscription was cancelled. It will give a channel that was originally created for the subscription from either pico. bus Map The internals of the cancelled inbound request. The internals of the cancelled outbound request. See attached example for its values. rule inbound_sub_req_cancelled {
select when wrangler inbound_subscription_cancelled
always {
ent:sub := event:attrs
"bus": {
"Id": "cjs51fu2a006kksrq7av62ttd", // the ID of the cancelled subscription request
"Tx": "AiPhhS6Tkz7QqmqbRZujEM", // The transmitting channel that no longer exists that was created for the other pico for the subscription
"Rx": "8UVQvmstjx7C35D3sKHRy6", // The receiving channel that no longer exists that was created for this pico for the subscription
"Tx_verify_key": "6J4uxarQkQGc43KZkUhmHwowPAc3Hb5oezLnyoJgvM5k", // The signing key that had been created to allow signing of future subscription events
"Tx_public_key": "9xvw5iYsPjGirBofxAniXU8w1bZ4CfT6pfmcigZpzGkQ" // The encryption key that had been created to allow encrypted communication of future subscription events
"io.picolabs.collection" must be installed on your pico for these to work Returns all of the established subscriptions that belong to the collection An array of subscription maps None Returns An array of established subscriptions. This event relies on the internal Rx_role of the collection to send an event to all the members in the collection across the subscription from the collection pico to the members. type Will return empty directives. Can be used to create a different Rx_role - Tx_role pairing for the collection. By default the collection pico's Rx_role is "collection" and member picos have "member" roles. It will only be successful if the collection has no members. Will return empty directives. Functions
membersArray = collection:members()
"Rx_role": "collection",
"Tx_role": "member",
"Tx_host": "",
"Id": "cjyf4v8hd00vuokbz0oz2eb1z",
"Tx": "YVreELgbGjjFhQYqgGcRKm",
"Rx": "VQDgK9YF1FPvj7fkwgt94H",
"Tx_verify_key": "JAhWwk19WqBysronQPD6zbbncLDo7UHT22oaKcZ2dheB",
"Tx_public_key": "5iArABfAiG8u4SNBhaCzcwtXpauLULfhMkJfHWTkMhe2"
"Rx_role": "collection",
"Tx_role": "member",
"Tx_host": "",
"Id": "cjygcdpqs0010q3bz05gc68gb",
"Tx": "RrS9tyHwt8mBuTe7e33BMY",
"Rx": "CuGaocn4tR2Q32tgBvmBjt",
"Tx_verify_key": "EYdZVZhZ5cWwWtwCLuUpAnYXjXgFjRDphg1fCxNJVvBc",
"Tx_public_key": "74Hmo86S5ifVtSyJaCr4wBy6j4sFeJiHSFLaGSUEV5WF"
Received Events
Attribute Datatype Description domain String The domain of the event you want to send String The type of the event you want to send attrs Map The attrs of the event you want to send Directives Returned
Attribute Datatype Description Rx_role String The new role for the collection pico to take in the collection subscriptions. Tx_role String The new role for the member picos to take in the collection subscriptions. Directives Returned
"io.picolabs.ds" must be installed on your pico for these to work Returns the value mapped to the key under the given domain. A KRL value. Can be NULL. Returns The value located for the key-value combination under that domain. Can be null if the value does not exist. Returns all the key-value mappings for a certain datastore domain as a KRL map. Returns the entire datastore as a KRL map. None Returns A KRL map representing the entire datastore. Domains are mapped to maps of key-value pairs. This event is used to update the datastore asynchronously. key Will return empty directives. Used to clear a value in the datastore. Has the same effect as passing nothing to the value attribute in wrangler:ds_update. Will return empty directives. wrangler:ds_assign_map_to_domain This event is used to update all data under a given domain. It takes a KRL map of key-value pairings to use as the new data for that domain. wrangler:ds_domain_updated is raised as a response. This event should be used sparingly, such as for migration purposes. Raised as a response to wrangler:ds_update. It informs the listener of the new value in the datastore for the given domain and key. Raised as a response to wrangler:ds_assign_map_to_domain. It informs the listener that all values for a domain have been updated with an entirely new map.Functions
Parameter Datatype Description domain String The domain to query key String The key mapped to a requested value item = getItem(meta:rid, numUsers)
Parameter Datatype Description domain String The domain of the data to query for viewStore
Received Events
Attribute Datatype Description domain String The domain of data to update String The key whose corresponding value will be updated value Any The new value for the datastore entry. Directives Returned
Corresponding Raised Events
Attribute Datatype Description domain String The domain of data to update key String The key whose corresponding value will be deleted Directives Returned
Attribute Datatype Description domain String The domain of data to update with the map map Map The new key-value mappings for the given domain Corresponding Raised Events
Raised Events
Attribute Datatype Description domain String The domain of the updated data key String The key for the updated data value Any The new value for the data at the given domain and key ds_updated
Attribute Datatype Description domain String The domain whose data has been updated
Implementation In Progress The io.picolabs.prototypes ruleset is still being written. The documentation below describes the currently implemented events and functions for your use. Attributes Any extra attributes provided are propagated to the wrangler:prototype_initialized event. Here is an example of raising this event: No directives are returned. This event is raised after all of the new picos and subscriptions are created in the system. Any subscriptions defined via a tuple are guaranteed to be established, but subscriptions defined via an external event (a map) are not guaranteed to be established because the prototypes ruleset has no guarantee of authority over the accepting pico. Here is what the event attributes of this raised event will look like:Received Events
Attribute Datatype Description prototype Map The prototype definition. For more information on the expected Map structure, see the Prototypes page. rule examplePrototype {
select when example prototype
pre {
prototype = {
"new_picos": [{
"name": "examplePico",
"rids": []
"subscriptions": []
always {
raise wrangler event "prototype_instance_requested"
attributes { "prototype": prototype }
Directives Returned
Raised Events
"__prototypeCorrelationID": <the event correlation ID>,
//all the other original attributes passed into the wrangler:prototype_instance_requested event.
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