Rulesets API
- For all functions, enter the parameters in the order listed.
- Italicized parameters are optional.
- Received Events are events of the "wrangler" domain that Wrangler will respond to
- Raised Events are events that can be selected on within any ruleset in the pico when they occur
- Sent Events are events that the pico will send elsewhere as a result of triggering a Wrangler event.
Returns an array of all of the rulesets installed on the pico An array of strings, with each string being an RID (ruleset identifier) Returns an array of all the registered rulesets on the pico engine that the pico is running on. An array of strings, with each string being an RID (ruleset identifier) Returns an array that contains full ruleset descriptions for the requested ruleset(s) Array String A an array where each entry is a requested ruleset's description. See the example for an idea of what each description (represented as a map) looks like Installs the given rulesets in the pico that receives this event. rids OR rid Array String Array String Corresponding Raised Events: Uninstalls the given rulesets in the pico that receives this event. The directives returned will always be the same, meaning if the ruleset did not exist in the first place, the directive would still map "rids" to the RIDs given as the event attribute. Use the Wrangler Full API#installedRulesets function to programmatically check if a ruleset is installed. Array String This event is used to signal to Wrangler to register a ruleset domain to wait for before fully deleting a pico, to allow the ruleset(s) time to cleanup. String The ruleset domain to reigster to wait to cleanup. This event is used to signal to Wrangler that a ruleset domain previously registered for cleanup is finished. String The ruleset domain that is done cleaning up. This event is used to change the time allotted for rulesets to cleanup before it times out and the pico deletes itself anyway. By default it is set to 5 minutes. String Has the same format as the second parameter of the time:add() function. (e.g. {"minutes":5} or {"seconds":5}) Is raised within the pico when new ruleset(s) have just been installed. This can be especially useful as an entry point for code execution on any ruleset. By selecting on this event and checking if your ruleset is one of the installed ones, your ruleset can begin execution upon installation. This event is raised when there was an error installing a ruleset into a pico. This may (but not only) include giving a RID that does not exist on the engine to install. This event is raised when a pico is now getting ready to delete. Rulesets that have registered for a cleanup period should do any necessary cleanup on this event and then raise wrangler:cleanup_finished with their domain to signal their completion. Will have passed through attributes given to wrangler:child_deletion.Functions
installed_rulesets = wrangler:installedRulesets()
["io.picolabs.pico", ...]
registered_rulesets = wrangler:registeredRulesets()
["io.picolabs.pico", "io.picolabs.logging"]
Parameter Datatype Description rids The RIDs of the rulesets to be described. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "io.picolabs.ruleset_one;io.picolabs.ruleset_two"). Returns
wrangler_info = wrangler:rulesetsInfo("io.picolabs.wrangler")
"rid": "io.picolabs.wrangler",
"src": "omitted for brevity, full source would show up here",
"hash": "7d68b3232f8d820631ab73871530648b94ab610f598cab1986d7cd666232a0a0",
"url": "The URL that the ruleset might be installed from, if downloaded from a remote server",
"timestamp_stored": "2019-01-12T02:17:04.044Z",
"timestamp_enable": "2019-01-12T02:17:04.045Z",
"meta": {
"name": "Wrangler Core",
"description": "\r\n Wrangler Core Module,\r\n use example, use module v1_wrangler alias wrangler .\r\n This Ruleset/Module provides a developer interface to the PICO (persistent computer object).\r\n When a PICO is created or authenticated this ruleset will be installed to provide essential\r\n services.\r\n ",
"author": "BYU Pico Lab"
Received Events
Attribute Datatype Description The RIDs of the rulesets to be installed on this pico. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "io.picolabs.ruleset_one;io.picolabs.ruleset_two"). urls OR url The URLs of the rulesets to be installed on this pico. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. ";"). Directives Returned
send_directive("rulesets installed", { "rids": /* An array of rids that were installed*/ });
Attribute Datatype Description rids OR rid The RIDs of the rulesets to be uninstalled on this pico. Each RID can be an entry in an array, or in a semicolon denoted list (e.g. "io.picolabs.ruleset_one;io.picolabs.ruleset_two"). Directives Returned
send_directive("rulesets uninstalled", { "rids": /* An array of rids that were uninstalled*/ });
Attribute Datatype Description domain cleanup_finished
Attribute Datatype Description domain set_timeout_before_pico_deleted
Attribute Datatype Description new_timeout Raised Events
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description rids Array An array of rids that were installed rule on_installation{
select when wrangler ruleset_added where rids >< meta:rid.klog("meta rid") // if this ruleset has just been installed
pre {
ent:ownerPolicy := owner_policy;
ent:owners := {"root": {"eci": new_channel{"id"}}};
raise game event "start_game"
attributes event:attrs;
Attributes Added
Attribute Datatype Description rids Array An array of rids that failed to install rulesets_need_to_cleanup
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