Developer UI -- Logging tab

Developer UI -- Logging tab

This tab allows you to see detailed logging information concerning events and queries sent to the pico within the last twelve hours.

What you are looking at is the latest transactions performed by the pico, with a timestamp (using Zulu or GMT time, to the millisecond), whether the transaction was an event or a query. Finally, for queries you are shown the RID of the ruleset, a slash, the name of the function called, and any arguments shown in a map. For events you are shown the domain, a colon, the name or type of the event, and any attributes shown as a map.

These transactions are ordered most recent first.

Checking the box opens up more detail, with the various things that happened shown in chronological order.

You will always see first when the transaction was queued, and when it started. At the bottom, you will see the time when it was completed (which will sometimes be with an error).

For an event, you will see the events that were raised, starting with the one that initiated the event transaction. In this case, they are:

  1. engine_ui:new

  2. wrangler:new_child_request

  3. wrangler:new_child_created

Under each event, you will see which rule or rules were selected, and whether or not the rules fired.

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