Atom Editor with KRL

Atom Editor with KRL

How to use the Atom Editor with KRL

Install the editor from the atom.io page.

You will probably want to install the popular community package atom-ide-ui which allows parsing errors to be shown while editing program text.

To install the KRL Language Server package, navigate to the atom packages folder and perform the following steps (adapt for your system; these steps are in bash on a Macbook):

cd ~/.atom/packages git clone https://github.com/Picolab/atom-ide-krl.git cd atom-ide-krl/ rmdir krl-language-server/ #because it is empty git clone https://github.com/Picolab/krl-language-server.git cd krl-language-server/ npm install npm run compile cd .. npm install

With these packages installed, when you edit a .krl file, you will have syntax highlighting, completion hints, and in-line parsing error messages.


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